The University of Miami’s Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative (UMindfulness) is an inter-disciplinary collaboration across the University of Miami that brings together cutting-edge brain research and mindfulness/contemplative practice training. Contemplative training is offered in nonsectarian, accessible, and innovative ways to optimize performance, enhance wellness, and promote resilience.

Our active research projects involve training military cohorts, University students, and medical, legal, and other professional groups to determine the basic brain mechanisms underlying contemplative practice.  

In addition, UMindfulness offers lecture series and workshops for students, staff, faculty, and alumni of the University of Miami along with the broader South Florida Community to learn about and engage in mindfulness training.
UMindfulness was formed in 2010 by Amishi Jha and Scott Rogers, who serve as its directors of Contemplative Neuroscience and of Programs and Training, respectively.

UMindfulness is a joint collaboration of the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Law, the Miller School of Medicine, the Mailman Center for Child Development, the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, the Herbert Wellness Center, the Counseling Center, and the Frost School of Music.