Past Events

The UMindfulness Lecture Series was launched in the Spring of 2014. Thanks to the generosity of Marie T. Kluge, the Lecture Series has been host to many of the world’s leading figures in mindfulness, including Sharon Salzburg, Dan Siegel, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Zindel Segal. Watch videos from our past events below.



May 13, 2023

Dr. Amishi Jha gives speech at the University of Miami Graduate Commencement Address, 2023.


Big Think video featuring Amishi: How to Unlock Your Peak Mind. Watch here!


December 14, 2022

An Evening with Walter Piatt, Director of the Army Staff, presented by UMindfulness at the University of Miami.


February 3, 2020

An Evening with Rhonda Magee, M.A. J.D., presented by UMindfulness at the University of Miami.

January 27, 2021

An Evening with Sharon Salzberg, presented by UMindfulness at the University of Miami.


January 11, 2019

An Evening with Dan Siegel, presented by UMindfulness at the University of Miami.

October 11th, 2019

An Evening of Self Compassion with Kristin Neff, presented by UMindfulness at the University of Miami.


February 10th, 2018 Day1, Part I: Real Love Retreat with Sharon Salzberg, University of Miami. 

Content: Welcome, Introduction to Balance, Real Love and Mindfulness, Breath Awareness Practice, Loving Kindness Toward Oneself, Working with your Inner Critic.

February 10th, 2018 Day1, Part 2: Real Love Retreat with Sharon Salzberg, University of Miami.

Content: Loving Kindness Practice Discussion, Question and answer sessions, Loving Kindness Practice continued.


February 11th, 2018 Day2, Part 1: Real Love Retreat with Sharon Salzberg, University of Miami. 

Content: Loving Kindness Practice, Walking Meditation using Loving Kindness Practice, Question and answer session.

February 11th, 2018 Day2, Part 2: Real Love Retreat with Sharon Salzberg, University of Miami. 

Content: Working with Difficult Emotions, Question and answer sessions


Joan Halifax lecture was held on Jan 16 to a crowd of 250 attendees. Watch the video from her lecture here. On February 23, 2017, meditation teacher and best-selling author Noah Levine offered a free lecture and conversation. Trained by Jack Kornfield and son of meditation teacher Stephen Levine, Noah has been a pioneer in offering contemplative practices to those in recovery.


On January 30-31, 2016 Sharon Salzberg offered a 2-Day Non-Residential “Compassion and Mindfulness” Retreat.

On October 9th, 2015, Jon Kabat Zinn spoke on The Healing Power of Mindfulness in an extraordinary lecture and conversation with the UMindfulness community. 

On April 7th, 2015, Dr. Zindel Segal offered the lecture The Mindful Way Through Depression.

On January 28, 2015, the UMindfulness Lecture Series featured Dan Goleman.

Dan Harris entertained and inspired us with his deep look into mindfulness practice with his talk 10% Happier: The Skeptical Case for Meditation. September 17, 2014.

On November 10, 2014 The UMindfulness Lecture Series featured Congressman Tim Ryan, author of A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit.

On March 6, 2014 NPR Radio Host, Dr. Dan Gottlieb shared with us A Mindful Journey From Trauma to Recovery to Gratitude and Love.


UMindfulness offers courses, lectures, retreats and research opportunities. See photos from past events below:

Congressman Tim Ryan with Amishi Jha, Maria T. Kluge, Leonidas Bachas, and Scott Rogers.

Congressman Tim Ryan with Amishi Jha, Maria T. Kluge and Scott Rogers

Scott Rogers, Dan Harris and Amishi Jha

Scott Rogers, Dan Harris and Amishi Jha

Jon Kabat Zinn with Amishi Jha and Scott Rogers.

Jon Kabat Zinn with Amishi Jha and Scott Rogers.

Joshua Rooks, Marissa Krimsky, Amishi Jha, Zindel Segal and Scott Rogers

Joshua Rooks, Marissa Krimsky, Amishi Jha, Zindel Segal and Scott Rogers

Amishi Jha and Zindel Segal

Amishi Jha and Zindel Segal

Daniel Goleman and Amishi Jha.

Daniel Goleman and Amishi Jha.

