
  • Denkova, E., Barry, J., Zanesco, A.P., Rooks, J., Rogers., S. L., & Jha, A.P. (2023). Online mindfulness training for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial using a multi-method assessment approach. Aging & Mental Health. link
  • Nassif, T.H., Adrian, Gutierrez, I.A., A.C., Dixon, A., Rogers, S.L., Jha, A.P., Adler, A.B., (2023).Optimizing performance and mental skills with mindfulness-based attention training: two field studies with operational units. Military Medicine. 188 (3/4), 761-770. link
  • Witkin, J.E., Denkova, E., Zanesco, A. P., Morrison, A. B., Rooks, J., Carpenter, J., Baime, M., & Jha, A.P. (2022). Does intensive mindfulness training strengthen sustained attention? examining individual differences in mind wandering during the sustained attention to response task. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine. link
  • Jha, A. P., Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., MacNaulty, W., & Rogers., S. L. (2021). The effects of mindfulness training on working memory performance in high-demand cohorts: a multi-study investigation. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. 6, 192–204. link
  • Denkova, E., Barry, J., Slavin, L., Zanesco, A. P., Rogers, S.L., & Jha, A.P. (2021). Investigating the impact of peer-trainer delivered mindfulness training on cognitive abilities and psychological health. Mindfulness, 12, 2645–2661. link
  • Jha, A. P., Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., Rooks, J., Morrison, A. B., & Stanley, E. (2020). Comparing mindfulness and positivity trainings in high demand cohorts. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 311326. link
  • Jha, A. P., Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., Morrison, A. B., Ramos, N., Chichester, K., Gaddy, J., & Rogers,S. (2020). Bolstering cognitive resilience via train-the-trainer delivery of mindfulness training in applied high-demand settings. Mindfulness, 11, 683–697. link
  • Denkova E., Zanesco A.P., Rogers S.L. & Jha A.P. (2020). Is Resilience Trainable? An Initial Study Comparing Mindfulness and Relaxation Training in Firefighters. Psychiatry Research, 285, 1-8, link
  • Jha, A.P., Zanesco, A.P., Denkova E., Rooks, J., Morrison, A.B., Stanley, E. (2020). Comparing Mindfulness and Positivity Trainings in High Demand Cohorts. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, 311-326,link
  • Jha A. P., Zanesco A.P., Denkova E., Morrison A. B., Ramos N., Chichester K., Gaddy J. & Rogers S. (2020). Bolstering Cognitive Resilience via Train-the-Trainer Delivery of Mindfulness Training in Applied High-Demand Settings. Mindfulness, 11:683697, link
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